Nudges vs habits: how to make independent play effortless Nudges make play appealing; habits make play inevitable.
Make play inevitable: how nudges guide your child towards independent play Set up your home so that play happens automatically with well-placed nudges.
From scattered to self-directed: the power of executive functions Executive functions are your child's inner conductor - the part of her brain that coordinates thoughts, actions, and feelings.
Unstructured play: How bored children become brilliant What could happen if you stepped back today and let play unfold naturally?
How to help your child become independent without constant nagging Does your child rely on you to stay organised? Are you too quick to give instructions? Help her become more independent by asking the right questions.
Stop being the entertainer: build play habits that let your child succeed on her own What if play could feel as natural and irresistible to your child as climbing a tree on a sunny day?
How did YOU play? What would you trade from your childhood for more screen time? Probably nothing. Learn how you can help your child rediscover the joy of screen-free play by sharing the games you used to play.